Effects of Domestic Conflict on Minors Domestic conflicts are the grey area we normally avoid plunging in, for a deeper analysis. Its perils can be more lethal than one can imagine. The notion that the quality of our closest relationships has a profound effect on our self-esteem is indisputable. More so, we tend to forget they have material consequences in the physical, emotional and cognitive growth and development of our children; the pioneers of our future. An academic insight of the topic reveals that couple conflicts have had the worst impact on the growth ability of children. The fact that dispute among parents can have a deteriorating effect on a child’s psychological development has been accepted long since 1930s. (Towle, 1930). Studies have also shown that children of age as low as six months can react to an hostile domestic environment in the form of elevated heartbeat, a condition non-existent in children who grew in non-hostile environments. Children of age group up t...
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