1. Level of Awareness.

The level of awareness has increased. Media has contributed a lot in increasing the general knowledge, who is who and what is what, knowledge of current issues etc. The programmers having media discussions, current affairs, documentaries, etc have been instrumental in enhancing the common man’s awareness.

2. Development Efforts of State.

Media has assisted in development efforts of state .Programmers like “Parah Likha Punjab”, “Coverage of Earthquake”, have contributed in projecting efforts being made towards state development.

3. Development of Public Opinion.

Media discussion / other programmes highlight the issues, hold cross-discussions, and identify what are reasons / angles of different interest groups / people. Stances of different segments of society on key issues are brought out: it helps make / develop public opinion on different issues.

4. Helps in Educational Efforts.

Media is also used by the state / society /organizations to promote educational activity.AIOU use media for education.

5. Supports Democracy.

Media supports democracy by bringing out the democratic norms and inculcating the same in the general public / polity. Providing live coverage of parliament proceedings, activities of politicians, programmes on democracies are few of the examples.

6.Support to Public Issues / Affairs.

Media provides viewpoint of the public on public issues. Media has given voice to the public.

Impact of Media on Pakistani Society

• Media is strengthening development in Pakistan.
• Media has supported Democracy.
• Media has highlighted Public issues.
• Media has given voice to neglected element of society.
• Media has become entertainment industry; it satisfies all segments, age groups of our society.

1. Level of Awareness.

The level of awareness has increased. Media has contributed a lot in increasing the general knowledge, who is who and what is what, knowledge of current issues etc. The programmers having media discussions, current affairs, documentaries, etc have been instrumental in enhancing the common man’s awareness.

2. Development Efforts of State.

Media has assisted in development efforts of state .Programmers like “Parah Likha Punjab”, “Coverage of Earthquake”, have contributed in projecting efforts being made towards state development.

3. Development of Public Opinion.

Media discussion / other programmes highlight the issues, hold cross-discussions, and identify what are reasons / angles of different interest groups / people. Stances of different segments of society on key issues are brought out: it helps make / develop public opinion on different issues.

4. Helps in Educational Efforts.

Media is also used by the state / society /organizations to promote educational activity.AIOU use media for education.

5. Supports Democracy.

Media supports democracy by bringing out the democratic norms and inculcating the same in the general public / polity. Providing live coverage of parliament proceedings, activities of politicians, programmes on democracies are few of the examples.

6.Support to Public Issues / Affairs.

Media provides viewpoint of the public on public issues. Media has given voice to the public.

Impact of Media on Pakistani Society

• Media is strengthening development in Pakistan.
• Media has supported Democracy.
• Media has highlighted Public issues.
• Media has given voice to neglected element of society.
• Media has become entertainment industry; it satisfies all segments, age groups of our society.


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