1. We are living in the age of information explosion, where the world has shrunk into a global village.
2. The vital function of Mass Media is that it is the thinking mode of any society.
Following are the types of Mass Media: -
(a)Print Media
(b)Electronic Media
(c)Interactive Media

3. Tools of Media.
Since the media plays a war of words, the important tools
Include ‘vocabulary’, being ‘vigilant about different developments’.

(e)Lingual Competence


1. Mass media is wholesaler of M. Communication. Pak inherited 05 radio channel son its birth. International Trend played important role in development of Mass Media in Pakistan. Initial decades of Pakistani Media’s history have been dominated by PTV.

2. Government was compelled to permit freedom of media

(a)Liberalization of airway in India led to mushroom growth of TV channels

(b)In Kargil war India was able to sell its viewpoint to the world and cashed on its version while Pak suffered since it had only the state channel.

(c)Economic boom in telecom in Pakistan. Commercial nature of Media was discovered in the economic advantages related to it. Revenue generated by Media in 2002 was 2 billion and in 2007 this soared to Rs. 17 Billion.

(d)Literacy rate / level grew in Pakistan and played a role in media

(e)Arrival of cable operators / network and its growth held vision.

(f)Govt policies played vital role, especially of President Musharraf.

Javed Jabbar.Said “Media is more powerful then nuclear devices” he worked on PEMRA

3. Private sector was involved and posed challenge to state media. State Media to compete with Pvt Media has to improve and become more open and provide realistic stories, this reformed the State Media as well _ since realistic input was being provided by the Pvt Media.

4. Pak Media Market was in raw form and was untapped; it had the potential to grow. Phenomenon of community based radio channels i.e. FM channel, community based Services (print / elect) have played important role in media development.

5. Number of Press Media / Printing groups were permitted and have launched their TV channels e.g. Jang Group – Geo, etc.

6. Mass media is the major source of providing news and entertainment to the people who wants to know who is doing what and what is happening. Aristotle in his book “Poetics” has written that “Media is a means of catharsis and is must for normal living”.

7. The entertainment and news value of media has played very important role its development. However, electronic media enjoys larger scope over print media, since it has wider audience, is easily accessible and be understood by even illiterate people. The media provides wide range of entertainment / news according to interest of people of different age groups / liking / languages. Talk Shows Mania has brought more liberalization and has revolutionized the concept since erstwhile taboo issues are being discussed enhancing the awareness of people.

8.The realization in the people and Government about the role of media in society / economic development is there. Indian soap operas have a large viewer ship and their popularity has attracted lots of commercials / advertisement. The commercial aspects attached to the media have contributed to its rapid development.

9. The Infrastructure Development has taken place. Modern state of art studios /introduction of latest equipment / communication facilities like video conferencing, fax, electronic data transfer, chat / mobiles, etc have brought in a revolution and contributed immensely in the media development.

10. The advertisement / commercials have brought big money to media market. The contents of programmes are changing. The high economic stakes attached to the media have brought in Professionalism in all its related fields. Due open market, there is a
Scarcity of professional media men

11. The abundance of media outlets has on one hand has created lot of employment opportunities but on the other has posed challenges to the media men to excel in their fields. Jang Group has more than 50,000 employees; media persons are getting enhanced wages. Today we have number of highly professional and well-known media persons who are stalwarts of Pakistani Media and form its backbone.

12. Dozens Of other factors have played role in the development of Pakistani Media. It has been a “watchdog” on actions of the state, people strengthened the media. Media has played important role in discussing un-touched subjects. It has helped harmonizing the nation on otherwise contentious issues. The competition among the channels is bringing in qualitative improvement in the content and other aspects of programmes


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